Report on the work session on 18th January 2020 in Monte Carlo

Worth Reading

Worth reading

Report on the work session on 18th January 2020 in Monte Carlo

Location: Rooms of the Forum, 19 Avenue des Papalins, 9800 Monaco
Time: 10.30-12.30


Adrian Bolzern, Nina Crommelin, Sascha Ellinghaus, Heinz Gniostko, Torsten Heinrich, Tiina Myllykangas, Eveline Saoud, Annette Schwer, Harriët Sietses, Bernhard van Welzenes

1. Welcome

The president welcomes all attendees and thanks Bernhard v. Welzenes for the organisational part of finding a venue. At a later point the sexton is handed a present. Maria Jernström (ECA/ Circus Finlandia) is not attending the meeting, since on the previous day she handed over her duties concerning the ECA to her brother.
Eveline Saoud and Tiina Myllykangas are welcomed as guests. Eveline Saoud is the new protestant circus- and carny pastoral worker in Switzerland. Tiina Myllykangas is ENTE’s service point in Denmark.

2. Study ‘Situation of the Circus in Europe’: How can recommendations from the ‘Education’ section help ENTE? What are the next steps?

The study ‘The situation of circus in the EU Memberstates’ was presented at the ECA meeting in the course of the 44th Circus Festival in Monte Carlo.

This study was carried out on behalf of the EU Commission and comprises a chapter on the issue ‘School education for circus children in Europe’. The authors of the study involved ENTE in the research process and ENTE’s competence was valued very much.

In conclusion it is stated (on pages 79 and 80) that
– in many EU countries very few or no data is existent on school education for children with parents, who travel occupationally.
– only few EU countries provide special educational offers for this target group.

Amongst other things (on pages 86 and 87 of the study), the EU Commission is advised to:
– establish a forum, where education partners and governments can exchange information and Best Practice examples.
– have ENTE cooperate closely with the EU network EURYDICE, in order to improve the process of sharing information on the educational situation in the various countries with parents and education partners.
– initiate a study on the issue ‘Education of children of occupational travelling parents’.

The member states are advised to:
– fund school projects.
(also see the report on the ENTE website)

Nina Crommelin and Bernhard v. Welzenes will approach those parliamentarians, who they are familiar with. The aim is to make contact with EU Commissioner Maryia Gabriel. The advise of the study, which was written for the EU Commission on behalf of the EU Commission, is supposed to be put into practise as soon as possible.

To do:
– Nina Crommelin and Bernhard von Welzenes: establish contacts to politicians, parents and student representatives should join important meetings.
– Presedium: Alignment of the ENTE country report and the study

3. Facebook and website: Reception of website, Facebook and Instagram page? What could still be optimised?

The website prospers continually. Within the next days, reports on the circus festivals in Hungary and Monte Carlo and on the ESU meeting in Vienna can be found on the website. Facebook is present, but it needs to keep growing.

To do:
– All ENTE members are supposed to contribute and write articles and also advertise the Facebook and Instagram pages

4. Report on the circus festival in Budapest and letter in response from Hungarian ministry

In the course of the circus festival a conference regarding the topic ‘Education of circus children’ took place. During the first part, the artist schools presented themselves. In the second part, ENTE was able to present aims and priority areas. Furthermore, partners like the school for Circus Children, the Stichting Rijdende School and the Hungarian Circus School introduced themselves. The online platform DiLer was presented as an example for the work with a digital online-platform. Afterwards, ENTE received positive feedback and also a letter of thanks from the Hungarian State Circus.

In preparation for the conference ENTE had also contacted the Hungarian Ministry of Education, in order to be well informed about the situation of the circus children within the host’s country. The ministry had answered ENTE in detail and requested the material (films, Powerpoint), which was presented at the conference.

ENTE plans to forward this letter to preferably all European countries. Firstly, in this way the country report can be extended and secondly, a sensitization for this topic can be achieved.

To do:
– ENTE presidium: Send material to Hungary, send letters to ministries

5. Which EU projects present an option for ENTE? (training for service points, mutual cooperation of schools)

Possibly, shorter EU projects would be interesting for ENTE. ENTE would also like to participate in other projects as an associate partner.

6. Award New Generation Monte Carlo?

In order to increase ENTE’s level of awareness, we aspire to have ENTE award a prize at the New Generation Festival.

To do:
– Adrian Bolzern and Annette Schwer: Contact Urs Pilz and assistants

7. Participation in the Forum: What are we expecting? What has ENTE to offer for the FORUM?

ENTE will establish contact with the Italian pastoral workers, Potentially, there is interest in participating in a project concerning online-learning; promotion for new service points
(see report on the participation in the Forum on the website)

8. Membership meeting 2020

Save the date:
On 2nd October 2020 at 2 pm the next ENTE membership meeting will take place in the rooms of the German Bishops Conference in Bonn.

Godesberger Allee 125 (3rd upper floor)
53175 Bonn

8. Vienna, Latina and Wiesbaden 2020

Nina Crommelin will attend the ESU meeting in Vienna from 28th to 30th January 2020. The aim is to include the artists more closely in the work of ENTE.

To do:
– Nina Crommelin will write a report on the meeting.
– An ENTE delegation will be send to the circus festivals in Latina and Wiesbaden.
– The association of artist schools will meet in Wiesbaden and perhaps ENTE will be participating.

10. Additional points

Establishment of contact to Portugal, France and Bulgaria

To do:
– Presidium and Sascha Ellinghaus

11. Conclusion

Nina Crommelin thanks all attendees for a constructive ENTE meeting.